Tuesday, March 14, 2006

why your ankle hurts

Skip, you idiot, your ankle hurts because you hit it with the wood-splitting maul today (check the date of the posting), remember? So as not to be confused with the many other aches and pains you can't remember how you got, we're talking about the pain in the upper left side of the left ankle. You brought the splitter down on a chunk of log, but your aim was a little off and the log went flying in one direction and the maul was apparently attracted to your foot. Lucky for you the maul had lost most of its momentum by the time it got your foot and all you have is a little "reminder".

Then, tonight you got this, uh, brilliant idea for using the blog to remind yourself where all your aches and pains came from. Hey, having some body part hurt is one thing, but not remembering how you got it is really dumb. I mean, what good is the pain if it doesn't remind you what stupid thing you should not do?

You thought twice about cluttering up the blog with this stuff, but then you finally decided: "hey, it's my blog - I'll put whatever I feel like putting on it - and if either of our faithful readers don't like it, let 'em get their own blogs!".

Figured out yet why the underside of your left foot hurts? Maybe because you spent most of the day yesterday standing on a ladder cutting off the ends of girders which were sticking out past the roof line? Then why is it just your left foot and not your right foot? Putting your weight on your left leg while sawing with your right arm maybe? But, wait... wasn't it hurting before yesterday? So maybe you were shovelling (gutter drainage) wearing sneakers instead of boots and that was what set it off ... working on the ladder all day just aggravated it. ... but that's going to have to remain a mystery because you failed to 'blog it!


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