Sunday, March 05, 2006

real close

As all both of our faithful readers have noted, we have not updated this blog for a couple of weeks. Truth is that we just don't have any time (or energy) left over after working on the house. So, if I can focus long enough, I'll try to bring you up-to-date...

The biggest thing that remains to be done is the fireplace. But we're next in the mason's queue. Yesterday, he came and dropped off some tools and after he takes about a week off, he'll start on our fireplace.
I told him that the fireplace would make or break the house and he assured me that it would make it.

The shower has been almost done for a couple weeks now. It would have been done again today, but there was a slight mix-up with the tile. Frankly, the difference was so small that if Malcolm hadn't pointed it out, we probably never would have noticed ... but he's too conscientious about his work to let it slide. Anyway - one more week.

Betty has been sanding and oiling logs (rafters, girders and posts). It's messy work and is a bit precarious - she has to work standing on a ladder which is on top of a scaffold. (Today, the ladder slipped and she fell - luckily to the top of the scaffold and not all the way to the floor.)

Dale, our general contractor, has finished everything he personally needs to do. When he gets back from a little time off, he'll take care of any loose ends.

I've been installing lights and appliances - water softener, water heater, washer, dryer, dishwasher, range, kitchen sink (with garbage disposal and instant hot water dispenser), bathroom sink. The only fixture I have not installed is the throne (waiting for Betty to finish sanding and oiling in that part of the house).

A week ago, we passed the final inspection for the septic system and can now put it to use (just clothes washer and sinks so far).

I need to finish up all the electrical stuff so we can have the electrical final inspection. Mainly, all I have to do is install the ceiling fan and a ceiling light - that plus keep my fingers crossed that I've done everything correctly.

We also need a drywell/drainage inspection. Since the drywell is subterranean, all we really have to do is show pictures taken during installation. However, I still need to plumb the one remaining gutter as well as the water softener discharge (can't discharge into the septic system, since salt inhibits microbial activity, so the discharge from regeneration of the water softener has to go into the drywell).

Other than that, there is a bit of work to do with the steps leading to the entrances. Today, Betty and I agreed that as soon as we got a breather, she would tell me her thoughts on that and I would tell her how I'm going to do it anyway.

Oh, another thing that we need to do is to sand and seal the floor. The floor is 2x6 spruce tongue & groove - same as the ceiling, but unlike the ceiling, the floor took a real beating during construction. Actually, for all the abuse it's seen, it doesn't look all that bad - sort of like the way you would expect a nice old wood floor to look. A little cosmetic surgery should make it look great! Anyway, we don't need to do this to pass the final inspection, but we intend to do it before we move in.

So... we're very close to having a done house. Betty and I are very much looking forward to having this done. Not that we intend to move in right away - we do not - we just need to get back to some semblance of normalcy (i.e. get back to our day jobs). We've both declared that we would never do this again.

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