Wednesday, June 21, 2006

We're in!

The mattress was delivered last Wednesday. That night, we slept in the cabin for the last time.

Thursday night, Betty slept in the house for the first time while I stayed overnight in Bothell for my current job. Since then, we've had to re-oriented ourselves to living full-time in a real house - which has been more work than you might think ... but we're catching on - and we like it.

The dogs seemed a little confused and upset staying in the house - I think they would rather stay in their den (the cabin). They're getting better, however. And once we get a fence around the house, they'll be all set.

This Friday, we'll have company for the first time. Carol is coming out from the east coast for a few days to visit her daughter, Kate, and they'll both be here for a couple days. Unfortunately, our 2nd bedroom is not set up for anyone to sleep in, but luckily, there is this great little cabin which has recently been vacated. Indoor plumbing will be totally accessible, however!

In July, Kelly will be here for a few weeks. She is going to work on getting the cabin ready to use as an artists' retreat. Near the end of her visit, Keith will be here for a few days. Kelly will drive him back to Bend on her way back to Chicago in early August.

Near the end of August, Betty's parents and sisters will be here for a visit. It'll be the first time here for Eileen and Donna.

So... it's looking like a pretty busy summer. Besides all the company, we're still busy with jobs and projects (new and old) around the place.

Our summer guests aren't going to get to experience the masonry woodstove, but our winter schedule is wide open, so start thinking about making your reservations now!


Anonymous said...

The solstice marked the one year anniversary. A silent blog now with no projects? Hard to believe...

Skip said...

we have too many projects! ...not much time left over for blogs, unfortunately