Monday, January 09, 2006

iota sticks

Today, I pounded in a couple of "iota sticks" - so named, because every time you hit them with a sledgehammer, they go exactly 1 iota deeper. They have #6 bare copper ground wire fastened to them with clamps and the other end (the clean end) will be wired to the ground lug of the electric service panel in the house. (When iota sticks are used in this manner, people often use the slang expression "ground rod" when referring to them.)


Anonymous said...

This is soooo cool! We can actually see the progress and I can almost hear Betty "slogging" in all that mud.

Anonymous said...

what a journey! this blog is what memories are made of! years down the road, when you've lived in this castle long enough to develop tunnel vision, a permanent record (relatively speaking) is what will bring back all the deeply satisfying feelings of aaahhhhhh!!!. . . . .Ken & Jane