Tuesday, December 06, 2005

busy day yesterday

Yesterday was a pretty eventful day...

First, the Temp-Cast masonry stove core kit arrived. It was shipped from Toronto to a local masonry dealer (they could not deliver it directly here because we have no equipment to unload it from the truck). The local dealer brought it here and put it on the ground on a pallet with everything shrink-wrapped.

Then, the wiring inspector arrived to follow up on the initial inspection which resulted in a few things that I had to correct. He signed off on the rough-in wiring, so as far as the electrical guys are concerned, we're ok to cover the walls (which will conceal the wiring).

Finally, the windows and patio doors arrived and were installed (see previous posting).

Now that we've passed the wiring inspection, we have to get the plumbing inspected. I actually did the plumbing before the wiring, but the wiring inspection is apparently supposed to be done first. After the plumbing is checked off, we can put in the insulation in the exterior walls, get that inspected and then put up the sheet rock.

After the sheet rock is up, the mason can build the stove. Until we have sheet rock, all he can do is build the foundation for it.

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